Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mole Thumbnais

For our Unity project we are referring back to the mole-person stories we wrote earlier in the year. For the Final a scene will be taken and illustrated on a large piece of illustration paper.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Freshman Review

Freshman Review/Practical Application Testing
Freshman Review is a common practice used in colleges to help students to have a set goal of the production of a quality product. It is also used to help students to gauge their capability concerning skill level and what areas of weakness need to be immediately addressed. Being proficient in traditional media is vital to most areas of commercial art as well as being a required standard set by the state of Ohio for the DDIM program. THE WORKLOAD, REQUIREMENTS, AND EXPECTATIONS FOR THIS EXERCISE ARE THE REALITY OF THIS FIELD. ALL WORK IS DUE READY TO BE HUNG ON FEBRUARY 2ND. That means projects should already have been turned in and graded and any corrections needed made by FEBUARY 2ND. That means all items should probably be ‘completed’ and ready to correct by JANUARY 26TH. YOU WILL NOT PASS BY PUTTING OFF WORK OR WAITING UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE.
It is important that you:
Review the quality product sheet to KNOW what is expected
Manage your time properly to complete ALL projects in a QUALITY manner
Use the information that has been taught in this class so that you save time and produce a quality product. YOU MUST USE REFERENCES AND HAVE PRINTOUTS OF ALL REFERENCE PHOTORGRAPHS.
Use the creative process properly to work out problems BEFORE they are a problem on the final work
Ensure items are taken care of FOR THE DURATION to be mounted and displayed.

Objective: 2 blind hand contours, 4 40min. blind still-life contours, and 2 contour line still-life drawings. 1. white shoe 2. two socks 3. interesting item from home 4. object provided by teacher.

Photography: Elements & Principles of Design








Submit 1 photo for each Element and Principle of design. Use proper lighting and settings on your camera. Expectation 4-6 focused hours, I spent 4-6 hours taking photos but don't have them ready to be uploaded.


Objective: Do a self-portrait that looks like you but is not boring. Don't put yourself directly center of the page. Consider lighting angles, background, emotion, and vary line use. You can choose which media to use. Expectation 4-6 hours, I spent about 4 hours on this poor work. I am not happy with the way it turned out, I would rip it up and throw it away but I can't.

Magazine Cut paper collage: Goldy Locks and the 3 bears

Objective: Pick and children's fairy tale and make a cut paper collage for it. The collage should show more than one part in that scene. All items are to be made out of magazine pages. Pay attention to color, plan properly, and use the process to make the layout work. Expectation 4-6 focused hours, I spent about 8 hours on the final piece.

Emphasis/Space: Still-life classroom

A basic still-life was set up in the photo lab and groups were sent in to draw 3 at a time. Students were to sit in a designated chair and find a point of emphasis. Using graphite, students rendered their focal point. Showing strong value shifts, drawing what we saw, not what we knew, don't draw too small. Expectation 4-6 hours, I spent about 6-7 hours in all.

Shape/Color: Abstract Panels

Objective: Choose an animal and abstract it fallowing panels 2-5 of Roy Lichtenstein's "The Bull". Choose a color scheme, abstract carefully, fallow the process. Expectation 4-6 focused hours, I spent about 2-3 days on the final panels.

Objective: Find 3 interesting fruits, and 2 eggs then combined them into an interesting still life. Done in charcoal, it needs to show a strong sense of form through value shifts and has to have good textures. Expectation 4-6 hours, I spent about 3 hours at the most rendering my still life. Charcoal is not my forte'.

Texture/Contrast: Contrasting textures

Objective: Find or create two contrasting textures. Combind them together on one panel in graphite. Then copy them onto another panel in colored pencil. Should show a strong sense of form, value shifts, rendering, and little white space. Expectation 4-6 focused hours, I spent over 2 days on both.

Rhythm/Movement: Aboriginal Art

Objective: Create a panel in the style of aboriginal art using watercolor and a real animal photo. Pattern, color use, and arrangement should show movement to a focal point as well as visual rhythm. Expectation was 4-6 focused hours, I spent about 2 days working on the final and then about an extra hour fixing up the errors afterwards.

Balance: Symmetrical & Asymmetrical

Objective: Create two masks showing balance. Mask one is to be symmetrical and done in colored pencil. Mask two is to be asymmetrical and done in graphite. Both need to show form, pattern and a sense of completeness. Expectation was 4-6 focused hours, I spent over 2 days on both.

Pattern:Regular & Radial

Objective: Create two patterns, one regular and one radial. Choose which one to do in watercolor and which to do in colored pencil. Must be flat, no form. The expectation was a minimum of 4-6 focused hours, I spent well over 2 days rendering the final panels.